Thursday, October 15, 2009

An Ode to Westside Cookies

Disclaimer- the post is going to be ridiculous because, come one, no one can express love coherently.

3 a.m. is the perfect time for a Westside cookie. "Why?" you might ask. Answer: because every single second of the day is the perfect time for a Westside cookie, especially when they are of the "Home baked English Toffee Crunch" variety.

I suppose I should just come out and say this outright: I haven't been totally honest. Truthfully, I already have a favorite cookie, and it the Westside Cookie. Most people who know me know this, because I have successfully converted most of my friends to Westside Cookie addicts.

Now, the WSC, as I will now refer to it, is delicious and amazing for several (and by several I mean infinite) reasons, which I will now list 3 of.
1) TEXTURE. They are perfectly CHEWY. WSCs are just chewy enough that they are still firm when you bite in them.
2) FLAVOR. A symphony of flavor. Do you ever feel like your cookie is just missing something, but you can't put your finger on it? The WSC brings together every ingredient together in a brilliant masterpiece of balanced deliciousness.
3) VARIETY. WSCs come in a variety of sizes and flavors. First, size: There are 3 sizes of the WSC. Huge, regular, and baby (note: I have named these sizes, but there are in fact three). The huge ones come in the flavors of sugar, chocolate chip, white chocolate macademia nut, oatmeal raisin, peanut butter cup, and s'mores. With a diameter of about 4-5 inches, these are more crumbly than the regulars, and are sold individually. The regulars, which achieve the perfection I list above, come in flavors such as the toffee (my favorite), M&M, as well as chocolate chunk (the favorite of my first convert) and others. These come in bags. And, lastly, the babies, which come in only several flavors and are sold in mini bags.

As I mentioned above, I hold WSCs in a special place in my heart and pretty clearly place them on a pedestal that may or may not be appropriate for a cookie (but definitely is). Thus, I start Operation Cookie with very high standards. I hope New York cookies are up to the challenge. But, I'm a Boston girl, and if I know anything about Bostonians and New Yorkers, it's that they like a good rivalry. So step it up NY.

Lastly, everyone should try WSCs because they WILL change your life. I promise.

Westside Market is located at 2840 Broadway, NY, NY and is open 24 hours. Happy munching!

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